Saturday, February 27, 2010


WOW! my last post seems like forever and a day ago. I have a lot of updating to do. First off, thank god for chiropractors. otherwise I would still be walking like a 90 year-old lady. I had something funky going on with my back around thanksgiving time, and after many visits to the chiro, it is fixed. and hopefully will stay fixed(knock on wood).

Secondly, the rest of my student teaching was FABOO! My concerts went very well. I will never forget that during the high school band concert, I was conducting one of my many pieces, and everything was just working. everything that didn't work before, just magically fit. I could not stop smiling. I wouldn't trade that for the world. so right after that concert, I packed my suitcase and was off to Chicago for Midwest Band and orchestra Clinic. BY FAR, the BEST convention I have ever been too, and the most fun I have had in a while. not to mention, seeing awesome sessions, but also seeing some great performances by bands, and also seeing MANY who I deem 'famous' in my dorky field. Seeing Frank Ticheli talking with H.Robert Reynolds was golden! haha. And, in an attempt to excuse my desire for a baton, I bought ANOTHER baton, because apparently I couldn't walk out of convention with just the empty baton case. haha.

OH and I graduated from COLLEGE. oh yes. I am officially OLD. haha. It was pretty short, not painful, and it was nice to know that I actually have a degree. of course, even though i had graduated, I still had to student teach until the end of January. Was I sad? HELL no. why? because I LOVE teaching. oh and don't worry. I haven't had a party yet, so stay tuned...

then came Christmas and New Years. and then came 2010. I believe that over my very short break(shorter than the month that I am used to) I jam packed it full of things. I can't really remember everything I did, but I know that there was for sure shopping in there.

and so I went on to finish student teaching. I must admit, I enjoyed every single minute of it. I would not trade my experience for any other. I learned so much, had a lot of fun on the way, and remembered why I decided to get in this profession in the first place. I absolutely love it. also, that last week of student teaching was a rough one. particularly because I easily attach to people. I cried more that week than I have in a long time. the last three days my drive home was never an easy one. My kids were so excited because I baked them all cupcakes. I had to do something. IT was soo cute because they were sooo sad that I had to go. I kept myself together in front of the kids until that last Thursday. I must say, that I never want to forget that feeling. my 5th graders all gave me a card. my 6th graders all gave me hugs. I miss them like crazy. I owe so much to everyone who I encountered over my student teaching. it was everything that I could've asked for and MORE.

so after student teaching, I didn't have much to do. the first week was okay. I liked not having anything to do. the second week, i was still okay. by the third week, i was going NUTS! I wasn't able to sub because I didn't have my certification. But FINALLY i have my certificate, and now I pretty much have a job lined for a few weeks. the past two months have been very up and down. I've learned who my true friends are, and those that don't matter. I miss a few because I don't get to see them much anymore. I think I have done a lot of growing up in the last two months. So now armed with my teaching certificate and a new haircut, I am ready to take on the world. just a side note: The great thing though about being unemployed during the Olympics is that I got to watch all of it. It's been great.

So after all this rambling, I will end with the fact that I am quite excited and anxious for the future ahead. whatever it may bring, I hope that it is just as great as this last year. stay tuned for more things to come!!!

Peace and Love!

Monday, November 16, 2009


WOW, where has the time gone?!?! It's already November and Thanksgiving is around the corner. yikes! SOOO much has gone on in the last month! first off, WMEA convention was a great experience! i always learn new things there (which is the point, right?!?!) AND i bought a new baton which i absolutely LOVE!! I'm a dork, i know! haha. Student teaching has been going well. I'm learning alot and I still love going everyday! can you believe that it is already halfway done?!?! I can't! I don't want to leave! LOL! It has truely been one of the best experiences thus far. It has definitely confirmed that this is what I should be doing. And I am glad that after all these years of school, that I still feel passionate about it. I can't believe that I graduate college in just over a month! where did the last four (and a half) years go?!?! and then its on to finding a job. I cannot tell you how anxious/nervous/scared I am because I have no knowledge of what I will be doing after graduation. YIKES! But whatever happens, I will remain optimistic and have a positive outlook, even if the job market is looking dismal right now....

I still have many things to look forward to including concerts galore and Midwest Clinic in Chicago. oh yeah and GRADUATION!!! I'll make sure to keep this updated on what's going on especially once the job hunt ensues!!

just in case, have a great thanksgiving full of lots of turkey and mashed potatoes!!!


Saturday, September 26, 2009

what a doozie...

So, alas. student teaching has started. I have just finished my fourth week with students. and enjoying every, well almost every, minute of it! Quite honestly, I love going to school and teaching the kids. I find myself a little sad when I have to come home. weird, I know. but then friday happened and well let's just say something brown and stinky hit the fan.

So my co-op teacher told me that he was going to videotape me and give me the whole rehearsal for both junior and senior high bands. i was cool with it. fine whatever. we have to reflect as teachers in order to learn. well needless to say, the junior high rehearsal was just not good. we were reading a new piece, and it was challenging. i had never looked at it, and i wish i had before this day. anywho, the students were defiant and rehearsal was a little hostile and just all around disastrous. so it was time to go, and i let the kids go. i was so frustrated. i felt like a failure. I didn't know whether i should be angry or just cry. so my teacher and i sat and talked about what happened. let me just say, a videotape doesn't lie. so as some of you know, i'm not very good at hiding my feelings. and here's what went down. they were frustrated, which was making me frustrated, and then i was taking my frustrations out on them. i didn't mean to in any way. My pace was unnecessarily fast, and felt extremely rushed. part of it was because of the filming. i hate watching videos, seeing pictures, etc etc of myself so it only added to my stress level. and also i have been fighting a nasty cold and felt sick and pukey all morning. But please understand that in no way am I defending my shortness with the group. so i had to watch the video, thankfully by myself, and thankfully in a room by myself with a comfy chair and a box of tissues.

so nevertheless, i was very disappointed. i was soooo negative nancy in that rehearsal that i would not have wanted to sit through that rehearsal as a student, so i cant blame them for acting up. plus, the whole rehearsal, i never said one thing positive. and when i was trying to give a compliment, it came across negatively. I also re-realized that my conducting is sub par. no, a conductor should not be a glorified metronome, but at the same time, nor should they go crazy a la leonard bernstein(even though he is quite entertaining). so what is the role of the conductor? my understanding, and what i have forgotten, is that the role of a conductor should be one in which they embody the music be played. you should be aiding the students or performers in understanding the story behind the music and the emotions surrounding it. so now being ever so humble, this is something that i lack severely. but why? i have witnessed conducting for the last 10 years of my life. why can i not emulate this? yes it has to do with lack of experience. nothing is more humbling and frustrating than when an experienced veteran can bring a whole new light to a piece just because they made one facial expression or changed the style of one cue. I think another reason is just stepping outside of my comfort zone. my comfort bubble has been good to me, and yes, i love new exciting things. for some reason, i revert and retreat back to this. This will be something that i will be working on feverishly to overcome this semester. so thankfully, my high school rehearsal went swimmingly. it was like watching another person teach. honest to goodness. and of course, nothing else makes a bad day turn around like teaching 5th graders and getting to play baritone and bass drum. i love playing baritone. I do not know why. it just rocks.

so the real question is, how do i fix this? do i go as far as trying to take private conducting lessons? i really don't know. all i know is that something needs to be done and soon too. i do not wish to feel as i did after that rehearsal, ever again. i almost feel like i need to apologize to those poor kids. they didn't deserve my crappiness that day.

oh and speaking of leonard bernstein..if you are in need of a good chuckle, please go on youtube and search him conducting overture to candide. you will definitely have a good laugh.

hope all is well!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

so long sweet summer.....

Wow has it been a while since I have updated this! what a whirlwind summer has been!!! i would give you a month-by-month recap..but its hard to remember waaaaay back to June. can you hear the gears turning yet????

so i guess here it goes.

back in June, i rediscovered my love for Josh Groban. I remembered why I would always stay up late to watch Conan O'Brien. I worked like a slave. I needed a vacation and didn't get one (LOL). I got frustrated with my "online banking" (which really isn't online). I thought about going to summerfest (alas, i didn't make it there). I went shopping with Mallory in Kenosha(think of it as my mini-vacay). I saw the Hangover and laughed profusely! went to a few brewers games and had fun! I had dinner and caught up with an old friend who I haven't seen in a few years! I went mini golfing with Amy where we learned that we should not be professional mini golfers HAHA!! I made it through my first major Severe storm in the new apartment. I bailed out sewer water from my sisters basement. I took my family to their first brewers game at miller park (which they won!).

in July, i worked some more. i contemplated buying an autoharp (but didn't). i worked some more. I became an underground professional chauffeur. I fell in love with the Fray all over again. I had a Harry Potter marathon. I survived Flute camp! haha! I went to my first concert on the square in Madison. I decided that I needed to loosen up and live life a little. I got to know some of my friends even better. I had a blast at middle school band camp and had some of the most fun kids ever! I survived and enjoyed(for the most part) a brewers game and tailgating with the band camp crew! I learned a lot working high school week and got to know even more of my friends better by having some great late night chats and frosty freeze runs!!! I survived eating at esker for three weeks(i should get an award or something HAHA!!!) I had fun times with Kristen and Nate including brats, Olive garden, exclusive company, target shenans, and cake and shakes at coldstone.

in august, i began to work even more again. i got a raise that i didn't even know about. I am helping out in Sun Prairie working with the PMMS band. they had Sam Hazo compose a piece based off of a Georgia O'Keefe painting. Pretty SWEET!!! I was/am obsessed with student teaching(more about that later). I became determined to find teacher clothes and I have been pretty successful!!! I remembered not to sweat the small things in life, and to remember to find the beauty in the world. I did some growing up. I went to a brewers game (the first one that i have been to that they have lost). I attended one of my friend's wedding (congrats Nicole!!). I went to see Phantom of the Opera( absolutely AMAZING!!! i died and went to heaven that afternoon!) I got to hang out with my amazing friends. shopping and noodles with Mallory. Movies with Emily. Helping Kristen and Nate decorate her classroom in Baraboo (possible highlight. I love arts and crafts!!!) Visiting Natalie in McFarland and going shopping! oh how i missed that girl!!! And i had a lovely dinner with Dan and caught up with each other after all this time...

so now that you're caught up here's some more:

Student teaching is right around the corner. I'm excited/nervous/scared/anxious all rolled into one. It looks like its gonna be a great experience, it's just gonna be different than what I'm used to. Besides that, I have a lot of things to look forward to, including: WMEA state convention, Midwest, graduation, solo/ensemble judge certification, and then looking for a job. a REAL job. how exciting!!!

so I think for now, this is where I will leave you. there will for sure be many more stories to tell thanks to student teaching, and stay tuned because I will try and keep this updated!!!

Happy rest of summer and start of school!!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


HOLY COW!!!!! my recital is over with. its a little bittersweet(never thought i would actually say that). On one note, i am elated that it is over with and that it went well, on the other hand, i am sad that it is over and kinda want to do it again!!! it was fun to play for people. I woke up saturday morning after having a terrible dream(more like nightmare) where i slept through my recital. so i abruptly turned over and checked the time to see that it was only 9am.(PHEW!!!) so i got ready, my sister did my hair, and we were off and ready to go. i ate my banana(as per to calm my stomach down) and i think i handled the day well. it helped to have so many of my friends there. (nothing like calming your nerves by joking about a tuba bra!!!). everything went smoothly. i had serious dry mouth going on in the first piece, and i kicked myself for not taking my water on stage with me. but i still made it through. I was soo happy to see that people came to hear me play.(only because i have never been the most confident hornist in the world). It means so much to me that they came out to support me!!! THe quintet was awesome. i think i even made my DAD tear up. mission accomplished!!! My only regret is that Mr. K couldnt be here to see how far i have come (even though i have a funny hunch that he was listening.) so in honor of the canadian brass.. enjoy the lovely picture...


Friday, February 27, 2009

this one goes out to my green lake peeps...

SO....long goes an update...
I think I have finally realized beyond a doubt that this is what I want to do. I was at a conference in Green Lake last weekend called Next Direction for Band. I was a counselor along with 4 of my friends for the camp where high school kids who are interesting in possibly pursuing music as a career would come and learn more about hte profession. Not only did i get to work with some really cool kids, i got to work with Quincy Hilliard, one of the best educators and composers in the band world. I learned alot as a music ed student, but I also learned alot as a person. I learned that I have some of the greatest friends in the world. I also learned that I am just as valuable as any other person, that i should take pride in my playing, and play with confidence. idk why it took so long to click. it has taken over 4 years for me to realize that im just as good even if i am not sitting first. i would not trade what happened this past weekend for anything, my experience was great based on the great people i was with and i am thankful for it.

my recital is in two weeks. woo dang...i cannot wait for it to be over... i have been having the best lessons now that i have ever had in my life. i hate to think what i could have done had i worked this hard all four years of school, so i will not dwell on it. needless to say, i am looking forward to this semester being done and starting to student teach. I am ready to move on with my life.

in that respect, i hope that things start looking up for everyone. it has been a rough week, and i sure hope that everyone is doing fine.

so i was having trouble thinking of something to give up for lent. the only thing i came up with is to stop having a negative view of my life. try to see things more "glass half full." my life is pretty good, and it could be way worse. so if you hear me down in the dumps, yell at me and tell me to smile.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

blah blah blahty blah...

So it has been waaaay too long since I have written here. Another semester of school has come and past, and graduation is looming closer. as 2008 comes to a close, here are a few highlights from the last few months...

first off, shop ko is still my place of employment...I cannot stand it there, but yet, i still dont quit?? why because i love some of the people i work with, and because the little money that it does pay me, is better than no money at all... i have been on leave since the end of august/beginning of september. i have worked twice now that i am on break, and i already dont want to work there anymore.

I worked again with the Marching Knights as a visual or drill consultant.( i really dont remember what my official title was, all i know is that it sounds more important than it actually is). It was definitely interesting this year...but fun nonetheless...It somewhat quenches my thirst for marching band...

school was a big bitch this semester...i had a full credit load, two methods classes which came as a packaged deal with two field studies. General music methods was a blast. I learned so much in that class, it made me feel geared up for teaching general music. Instrumental methods was hell in itself...caused unnecessary stress in my life. absolutely hands down, worst class i have had in college. the field study was a blast, kept me sane. I have two semesters left at whitewater. pretty scary...

life in general has been interesting. I'm beginning to wonder who my true friends are. I have been through a lot of drama with people and quite honestly, i am amazed at the petty things that people get mad about. Ridiculous!

Sadly, I think I have also gotten to the point where home just doesn't feel like home anymore. If i was financially stable, i would totally live on my own. i just dont feel like i live at home anymore...especially since i can count on two hands how many times i was actually home this semester. because im student teaching, i decided to stay in whitewater for the whole next year...I'm pretty sure that the day i told my mom that i didn't want to live at home that semester that i student teach, her heart probably broke. i hate to do that to her, i know it would save money. but being home just drives me insane sometimes!!!

the next semester ahead will be quite busy as well, thanks to a full credit load again, and a little something i like to call my senior recital. I am getting ready for this wonderful, yet stressful event. Its like my last hurrah at whitewater. So im diving in headfirst without testing the waters. LOL!!!

well i think i have rambled enough now to put you to sleep. but hopefully this gives you a little update and insight into what i have been doing for the last few months..LOL...

one of my resolutions for hte new year will be to keep this more accurately updated...if there is anyone out there who is really reading this...