Sunday, May 4, 2008

you have stolen my heart....

So, I went yesterday to see the new Maid of Honor movie. It was such a great movie!!! I really liked it, but the whole time I was watching it, I kept thinking, Why can't that be me????? I know this doesnt come as a surprise to anyone, but I really am sick of being single. I want to know why I am stuck alone. I tried to be open and tell someone how I feel, but I really didnt get anywhere. I just really want someone to like me for me, and where the hell are they at?

I really think that i need to stop watching romantic comedies...because they just make me think about how my life kinda sucks....

exams are coming up..and i have no desire or motivation to actually do anything.... what a great combination!

hope every one else's exams go well!!
