Sunday, December 28, 2008

blah blah blahty blah...

So it has been waaaay too long since I have written here. Another semester of school has come and past, and graduation is looming closer. as 2008 comes to a close, here are a few highlights from the last few months...

first off, shop ko is still my place of employment...I cannot stand it there, but yet, i still dont quit?? why because i love some of the people i work with, and because the little money that it does pay me, is better than no money at all... i have been on leave since the end of august/beginning of september. i have worked twice now that i am on break, and i already dont want to work there anymore.

I worked again with the Marching Knights as a visual or drill consultant.( i really dont remember what my official title was, all i know is that it sounds more important than it actually is). It was definitely interesting this year...but fun nonetheless...It somewhat quenches my thirst for marching band...

school was a big bitch this semester...i had a full credit load, two methods classes which came as a packaged deal with two field studies. General music methods was a blast. I learned so much in that class, it made me feel geared up for teaching general music. Instrumental methods was hell in itself...caused unnecessary stress in my life. absolutely hands down, worst class i have had in college. the field study was a blast, kept me sane. I have two semesters left at whitewater. pretty scary...

life in general has been interesting. I'm beginning to wonder who my true friends are. I have been through a lot of drama with people and quite honestly, i am amazed at the petty things that people get mad about. Ridiculous!

Sadly, I think I have also gotten to the point where home just doesn't feel like home anymore. If i was financially stable, i would totally live on my own. i just dont feel like i live at home anymore...especially since i can count on two hands how many times i was actually home this semester. because im student teaching, i decided to stay in whitewater for the whole next year...I'm pretty sure that the day i told my mom that i didn't want to live at home that semester that i student teach, her heart probably broke. i hate to do that to her, i know it would save money. but being home just drives me insane sometimes!!!

the next semester ahead will be quite busy as well, thanks to a full credit load again, and a little something i like to call my senior recital. I am getting ready for this wonderful, yet stressful event. Its like my last hurrah at whitewater. So im diving in headfirst without testing the waters. LOL!!!

well i think i have rambled enough now to put you to sleep. but hopefully this gives you a little update and insight into what i have been doing for the last few months..LOL...

one of my resolutions for hte new year will be to keep this more accurately updated...if there is anyone out there who is really reading this...