Saturday, February 27, 2010


WOW! my last post seems like forever and a day ago. I have a lot of updating to do. First off, thank god for chiropractors. otherwise I would still be walking like a 90 year-old lady. I had something funky going on with my back around thanksgiving time, and after many visits to the chiro, it is fixed. and hopefully will stay fixed(knock on wood).

Secondly, the rest of my student teaching was FABOO! My concerts went very well. I will never forget that during the high school band concert, I was conducting one of my many pieces, and everything was just working. everything that didn't work before, just magically fit. I could not stop smiling. I wouldn't trade that for the world. so right after that concert, I packed my suitcase and was off to Chicago for Midwest Band and orchestra Clinic. BY FAR, the BEST convention I have ever been too, and the most fun I have had in a while. not to mention, seeing awesome sessions, but also seeing some great performances by bands, and also seeing MANY who I deem 'famous' in my dorky field. Seeing Frank Ticheli talking with H.Robert Reynolds was golden! haha. And, in an attempt to excuse my desire for a baton, I bought ANOTHER baton, because apparently I couldn't walk out of convention with just the empty baton case. haha.

OH and I graduated from COLLEGE. oh yes. I am officially OLD. haha. It was pretty short, not painful, and it was nice to know that I actually have a degree. of course, even though i had graduated, I still had to student teach until the end of January. Was I sad? HELL no. why? because I LOVE teaching. oh and don't worry. I haven't had a party yet, so stay tuned...

then came Christmas and New Years. and then came 2010. I believe that over my very short break(shorter than the month that I am used to) I jam packed it full of things. I can't really remember everything I did, but I know that there was for sure shopping in there.

and so I went on to finish student teaching. I must admit, I enjoyed every single minute of it. I would not trade my experience for any other. I learned so much, had a lot of fun on the way, and remembered why I decided to get in this profession in the first place. I absolutely love it. also, that last week of student teaching was a rough one. particularly because I easily attach to people. I cried more that week than I have in a long time. the last three days my drive home was never an easy one. My kids were so excited because I baked them all cupcakes. I had to do something. IT was soo cute because they were sooo sad that I had to go. I kept myself together in front of the kids until that last Thursday. I must say, that I never want to forget that feeling. my 5th graders all gave me a card. my 6th graders all gave me hugs. I miss them like crazy. I owe so much to everyone who I encountered over my student teaching. it was everything that I could've asked for and MORE.

so after student teaching, I didn't have much to do. the first week was okay. I liked not having anything to do. the second week, i was still okay. by the third week, i was going NUTS! I wasn't able to sub because I didn't have my certification. But FINALLY i have my certificate, and now I pretty much have a job lined for a few weeks. the past two months have been very up and down. I've learned who my true friends are, and those that don't matter. I miss a few because I don't get to see them much anymore. I think I have done a lot of growing up in the last two months. So now armed with my teaching certificate and a new haircut, I am ready to take on the world. just a side note: The great thing though about being unemployed during the Olympics is that I got to watch all of it. It's been great.

So after all this rambling, I will end with the fact that I am quite excited and anxious for the future ahead. whatever it may bring, I hope that it is just as great as this last year. stay tuned for more things to come!!!

Peace and Love!