Friday, February 27, 2009

this one goes out to my green lake peeps...

SO....long goes an update...
I think I have finally realized beyond a doubt that this is what I want to do. I was at a conference in Green Lake last weekend called Next Direction for Band. I was a counselor along with 4 of my friends for the camp where high school kids who are interesting in possibly pursuing music as a career would come and learn more about hte profession. Not only did i get to work with some really cool kids, i got to work with Quincy Hilliard, one of the best educators and composers in the band world. I learned alot as a music ed student, but I also learned alot as a person. I learned that I have some of the greatest friends in the world. I also learned that I am just as valuable as any other person, that i should take pride in my playing, and play with confidence. idk why it took so long to click. it has taken over 4 years for me to realize that im just as good even if i am not sitting first. i would not trade what happened this past weekend for anything, my experience was great based on the great people i was with and i am thankful for it.

my recital is in two weeks. woo dang...i cannot wait for it to be over... i have been having the best lessons now that i have ever had in my life. i hate to think what i could have done had i worked this hard all four years of school, so i will not dwell on it. needless to say, i am looking forward to this semester being done and starting to student teach. I am ready to move on with my life.

in that respect, i hope that things start looking up for everyone. it has been a rough week, and i sure hope that everyone is doing fine.

so i was having trouble thinking of something to give up for lent. the only thing i came up with is to stop having a negative view of my life. try to see things more "glass half full." my life is pretty good, and it could be way worse. so if you hear me down in the dumps, yell at me and tell me to smile.

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